
mamma groundhog and babies

It is about the time of year that Tall Timber Wildlife Service begins getting phone calls concerning groundhogs. This crew  from a Greensburg, PA extraction is no exception.

These fat, fluffy fellows will gladly eat your garden for you. If that isn’t enough, they are happy to knaw on your wooden buildings as well. Could this be why they are nick named woodchucks?

Often times groundhogs will borrow under structures causing voids in the gound that can collapse. Typically a groundhog borrow is roughly 6 or more feet deep and contain a latrine for doing their business.

Should you have a groundhog taking up residence near you, Tall Timber Wildlife Service is happy to relocate them finding them a new home. 

Thermal Imaging Used to Reveal Critter

We couldn’t see them, but we knew they were in there! This mamma raccoon and her kits were hiding in a Jeanette, PA home’s walls. Thanks to Tall Timber Wildlife and their trusty thermal imaging camera, they were found and successfully evicted with no harm to either mamma nor the kits.

The client decided that they could make necessary repairs to the entry point without the help of Tall Timber Wildlife. Here to serve, Tall Timber never minds accommodating a client’s demands.  We are always glad to help in any way we can.

mamma raccoon and kits
thermal imaging

Knock, Knock! Who is There?

squirrel entry and damage

Knock, knock!  Who is there? 

squirrel entry and damage

Mr. Squirrel, that is who!

Meanwhile, Mr. Homeowner discovered a hole this critter ended up making in the eaves of his roof!  Wasn’t that nice of Mr. Squirrel? NOT! Fortunately, Tall Timber Wildlife Services was able to both relocate the critter AND repair the eaves.

Shingle Damage from Raccoon

Raccoon Damage

Before calling Tall Timber Wildlife Service, our client chased a raccoon off of this Jeannette roof. Apparently, the raccoon wanted to seek revenge by ripping off these shingles before starting to run! Moral of the story be:  call Tall Timber Wildlife Service first!  We can handle these situations with little to no damage to your assets nor the animals.

Kits Soon to Arrive

Now is the time that mama raccoons are searching for a place to give birth to their kits. Often times they choose an attic or chimney for their home. Hearing loud noises, scratching, screaming and chattering is a sign that this has taken place.

In order to avoid trapping methods, Tall Timber Wildlife Service had a near perfect success rate in 2021 of convincing the mother raccoon to remove her kits on her own terms. When an animal is convinced to leave on their own, it is a win for both home owner and creature. 

If left to live in your home, raccoons can bring various diseases such as, parasites and bugs. Raccoons with also destroy insulation, wiring, drywall, etc…


raccoon kits

Shown here are young kits that were given birth in a chimney.

raccoon kits

Kits are adorable but you do not want them living with you in your home!

raccoon kits

Unwanted Holiday Guests

If you have unwanted guests attempting to crash your holiday party, Tall Timber Wildlife Service can come to your rescue. This squirrel was endeavoring to play Santa Claus and shimmy down the chimney. Tall Timber caught the “turkey” before it showed up for a seat at the festivity. 

squirrels attempting entry

Damaged Vents

damaged vents

Damaged vents create a great entry point for raccoons, birds, and other animals to enter a home or garage. Contact us today to remove and repair the damage.