Menacing moles burrowing in your yard?

mole specimen from a yard

Moles are small burrowing animals that tunnel through the ground looking for food, causing damage your grass and other plants.

Moles are solitary animals and usually 3-5 are found per acre.

Don’t make a ‘mountain out of a molehill.’ Tall Timber Wildlife Service can eliminate your mole problem.  Contact us for further information.

Bald Faced Hornets’ Nest

Tall Timber Wildlife has been very busy removing bald faced hornets’ nests in the Latrobe, PA, area.  Bald faced hornets are aggressive and can sting multiple times and even squirt their venom.  However, they are beneficial in that are that they are pollinators  beneficial in controlling insects.

Snake in Toilet Emergency

An emergency call came through today to remove a black snake that had slithered up through the sewage line and into a toilet! Can you imagine the lack of relief that visit to the bathroom was? The entire toilet had to be removed in order to get the snake out safely. The next time you have an emergency call or a snake in your toilet, feel free to give Tall Timber Wildlife Service a call. We are experienced snake extractors!

That was one BIG snake! Thanks to Tall Timber Wildlife Services, Mr. Snake has been released in a safe, natural environment.

black snake