Menacing moles burrowing in your yard?

mole specimen from a yard

Moles are small burrowing animals that tunnel through the ground looking for food, causing damage your grass and other plants.

Moles are solitary animals and usually 3-5 are found per acre.

Don’t make a ‘mountain out of a molehill.’ Tall Timber Wildlife Service can eliminate your mole problem.  Contact us for further information.

Advanced Training

NWCOA - Advanced Wildlife Control Operator

To provide a better service to our customers, we are always continuing our education. We are committed to learning the biology and habits of the critters we are after so we can humanly remove and prevent further human/wildlife conflicts. This course helps educate us on biology, prevention, proper handling, customer health and safety concerns, and anomalies that occur when dealing with wildlife in and around our community. 

Holy Moly!

According to, “Moles are fast diggers and can tunnel at a rate of 15′ per hour!” Goodness that is fast. Https:// also claims, “In favorable areas, shallow tunnels can be built at a rate of 12″ per minute.”

Moles are omnivores that prefer to be underground most of their life. People think that having moles must mean you have grubs. This can be the case sometimes, but a mole’s favorite food is earthworms.

A lot of the damage that people notice is on the surface, however, moles prefer to be deep underground. Living as solitary critters, 1-3 moles per acre can be expected.

When called on to remove moles, Tall Timber Wildlife Service does not use poisons or sprays. This method verifies that your problem is solved, not just hope that your problem gets solved as when applying poisons.