Menacing moles burrowing in your yard?

mole specimen from a yard

Moles are small burrowing animals that tunnel through the ground looking for food, causing damage your grass and other plants.

Moles are solitary animals and usually 3-5 are found per acre.

Don’t make a ‘mountain out of a molehill.’ Tall Timber Wildlife Service can eliminate your mole problem.  Contact us for further information.

Bald Faced Hornets’ Nest

Tall Timber Wildlife has been very busy removing bald faced hornets’ nests in the Latrobe, PA, area.  Bald faced hornets are aggressive and can sting multiple times and even squirt their venom.  However, they are beneficial in that are that they are pollinators  beneficial in controlling insects.

Mosquito Removal

Mosquito removal doesn’t have to be a dream never to come true. Tall Timber Wildlife Service can truly help keep you and your family safe from mosquito bites in your yard and the illnesses these bites bring. Watch the video on In 2 Care.

mosquito removal
mosquito removal
mosquito removal


black rat snake in Youngwood home

Tall Timber Wildlife Service was called upon to remove 2 black rat snakes from a back yard in Youngwood, PA. Tall Timber offers exterior trapping services that are proven effective in correct circumstances and the snakes can be relocated.

More Raccoon Activity

mamma raccoon having kits in chimney

More raccoon activity this season shows a mamma had pups in a chimney. After we performed our eviction services we were able to install a chimney cap to prevent more raccoons from entering.

Spring Bat Season

Spring bat season will be here before we know it. If you got bat rights now, you will have them a little longer. Even though bats are still in a state of torpor, they can awaken on warmer days and move around trying to find a more comfortable location. This often leaves customers finding bats inside their home. When the weather breaks and we have nights in the 50s we will be running around sealing up homes to prevent bats from getting in.

Skunk Season is Here

Baby Skunk
Skunk breeding season is here! This time of year males will be searching for females. Non-interested females will spray the male. Unfortunately, this can happen under your home, patio or deck. Tall Timber can remove the skunks and make it so they can not get back in. Call us today for stinky solutions.

Attic Mamma Raccoon and Her Kits

This Greensburg home had raccoons living in the attic space. With our methods, we were able to get the family of coons to leave the first night and NOT return.

Most of the time, a person thinks that they if they call a pest/wildlife control company, the critters will be euthanized. Not the case with Tall Timber Wildlife Services. If at all possible, Tall Timber tries to keep them in the area that they are familiar with but not becoming an issue.

In this video, the female adult raccoon is trying to coax the kit to come down the wall by pulling on it. Climbing things is a new activity for kits and sometimes they need some motherly influence.