“Up to Bat” in Black Out Period

Bats we took care of in New Stanton, PA.


Unfortunately, we are currently in the blackout period for bats. Bats are protected from May-August due to the birthing season. Customers often find bats in their living space this time of year. Typically it is young pups, or juveniles that are young and curious. They like to follow air currents and will end up somewhere they do not belong. If you find yourself with a bat inside your home give us a call. We can catch the bat and prepare it for rabies testing if needed. We will also provide temporary solutions to keeping them out of your living space until we can exclude them from your home in a few months. 

Look below for a zoomed-in view.


Bird Entry Through Vents

Birds were able to sit on the ledge of these vents and lift the flapper to gain access to the bathroom vents. We installed powder coated steal vent covers to prevent re-entry. This is a long term solution that protects your home.  

bird entry
bird entry

Little Brown Bats, Big Brown Bats

little brown bat

Many people think that bats will leave their home for the winter. Sometimes this is true, but many times, this is not.

In our area of Western PA, namely Westmoreland County, we see primarily little brown bats and big brown bats. Little brown bats will most likely leave while the big browns like to stay causing us to get phone calls during winter months.

During the cold months; warm, sunny days will cause the bats to get out of their “torpor” state, or state of physical inactivity- lethargy. Looking for warmer weather, the bats will begin to move around the home. 

Because trapping bats during this time of year can cause the bat to perish, it is recommended to do the bat work before winter months if at all possible. 

The image shown here is of a bat that was found in a shoe and biting. Of course it had to be sent off to be tested for rabies for everyone’s protection. Tall Timber can handle all of these services, if need be. We just hope that you don’t need them.

Domestic Dogs and Cats

puppy dog

Please note: Tall Timber Wildlife Services does not handle domestic dogs and cats. We appreciate everyone reaching out to us when dogs get loose, or bite, but dog and cat catching are not our area of expertise. 

Photo Credit to: Mathis Jrdl via unsplash