black rat snake in Youngwood home

Tall Timber Wildlife Service was called upon to remove 2 black rat snakes from a back yard in Youngwood, PA. Tall Timber offers exterior trapping services that are proven effective in correct circumstances and the snakes can be relocated.

Snake in Toilet Emergency

An emergency call came through today to remove a black snake that had slithered up through the sewage line and into a toilet! Can you imagine the lack of relief that visit to the bathroom was? The entire toilet had to be removed in order to get the snake out safely. The next time you have an emergency call or a snake in your toilet, feel free to give Tall Timber Wildlife Service a call. We are experienced snake extractors!

That was one BIG snake! Thanks to Tall Timber Wildlife Services, Mr. Snake has been released in a safe, natural environment.

black snake

Snake Strikes!

Unlike the previous black rat snake that was calm and approximately 4′ long, this little 3′ one was certainly agitated. Typically snakes do not act aggressive unless they feel threatened. If cornered, as this one was, they will shake their tail like a rattlesnake and open their mouths, ready to strike. Fortunately black rat snakes are not venomous.

Pennsylvania has three types of venomous snakes: timber rattler, copperhead, and massasauga. The massasauga is only found in a small pocket in northwestern, PA and is not common. The timber rattler and copper head both are found in the majority of the state but not common to Westmoreland County.

Tall Timber Wildlife Services mostly gets calls for black rat, garter, ringneck, and water snakes. Again, all critters caught by Tall Timber are relocated to a new, safe environment.



black snake
Most people think to keep snakes out of your house, you need to seal it up at the ground level. Proficient at climbing brick, rock and wooden houses, this black rat snake can make entry at all levels.

Eating mice, chipmunks, bugs, frogs, birds, eggs, fish (water snakes eat fish), and various other small critters, snakes are very beneficial to have around. Typically if a large amount of snakes are found in or around a residence, it is because a food source it attracting them.

As will all critters, including this black rat snake, Tall Timber Wildlife Services will relocate the animal to a new, safe environment.