Candid Camera

Is this Little Bunny Foo Foo hopping through the forest? Ah… caught it on candid camera only to find out that it is a flying squirrel wreaking havoc in this Mt Pleasant, PA attic.

Most people don’t think that flying squirrels are in our area, however, Westmoreland County has a fairly good population. This attic is proof.

Only active at night, these pesky creatures enjoy living in colonies. Some residences can host up to 10 to 20 flying squirrels at one time! In this instance, we removed 4 of them.

Gable Roof Vent

gable roof vent guard
Gable vents are a popular entry location for birds, squirrels, bats, and other wildlife. Custom attic vent covers can be made using  20 gauge powder coated expanded steel to protect all critters and flying insects from entering your home just as in this Latrobe, PA residence.
You can see the bat guano on a gable vent in the picture below.
bats, mice, gable vents
gable roof vent guard

Another Ridge Vent Guard Needed

animal entry at ridge vent

Bats are on the prowl this time of year, attempting to make nests/homes to give birth to their young. Another ridge vent guard needed to be installed on this Murrysville, PA home to hep keep out all of the critters; bats, squirrels, mice, and flying insects included. Call Tall Timber Wildlife Services to have your ridge vent guard installed!

Animal Entry at Ridge Vent

 Notice the bat guano at the place of entry on this roof?  Ridge guard will keep out bats, squirrels, mice, and  most flying insects such as bees and stink bugs. Protecting your home, and still allowing full ventilation of the ridge vent, is what Tall Timber Wildlife Services can help you do!
animal entry at ridge vent
animal entry at ridge vent

Knock, Knock! Who is There?

squirrel entry and damage

Knock, knock!  Who is there? 

squirrel entry and damage

Mr. Squirrel, that is who!

Meanwhile, Mr. Homeowner discovered a hole this critter ended up making in the eaves of his roof!  Wasn’t that nice of Mr. Squirrel? NOT! Fortunately, Tall Timber Wildlife Services was able to both relocate the critter AND repair the eaves.

Unwanted Holiday Guests

If you have unwanted guests attempting to crash your holiday party, Tall Timber Wildlife Service can come to your rescue. This squirrel was endeavoring to play Santa Claus and shimmy down the chimney. Tall Timber caught the “turkey” before it showed up for a seat at the festivity. 

squirrels attempting entry

Gable Vents Allow Intruders

Squirrels were using the gable vents in this house to make themselves a home inside. After insuring that all of the squirrels were out, Tall Timber Wildlife Service installed this vent guard to keep squirrels, mice, bats, and larger insects from entering the home again.


house vent


house vent

Gray Squirrel

gray squirrel

While not as frustrating as the red squirrel, the gray squirrel can be a menace also. They might be more calm, but they also are territorial. If in the neighborhood, they could attempt to move INTO your home sometimes 2 or 3 times a year to nest their babies. If this happens to you, be sure to contact Tall Timber Wildlife Services to catch and re-home the squirrel plus repair any damages to your home that they might have caused.

Did you know a baby squirrel is called a kit or kitten?

Thank you to Jairo Alzat via Unsplash for the image on this post.


red squirrel

Autumn is certainly upon us and so are the squirrels. Busily gathering their nuts, they could be stashing them in your home. You may not even know they are there!

Earning themselves the nick name “Red Devils”, red squirrels can be very hard to get rid of. After chewing golf ball sized holes in your siding, they can be the epitome of frustration.

If you or your neighbor have been over run by squirrels, Tall Timber Wildlife Service can come to your rescue. We are only a phone call or email away.

Thank you to Pearse O. Halloran via Unsplash for the image on this post.