Mosquito Removal

Mosquito removal doesn’t have to be a dream never to come true. Tall Timber Wildlife Service can truly help keep you and your family safe from mosquito bites in your yard and the illnesses these bites bring. Watch the video on In 2 Care.

mosquito removal
mosquito removal
mosquito removal

Spring Bat Season

Spring bat season will be here before we know it. If you got bat rights now, you will have them a little longer. Even though bats are still in a state of torpor, they can awaken on warmer days and move around trying to find a more comfortable location. This often leaves customers finding bats inside their home. When the weather breaks and we have nights in the 50s we will be running around sealing up homes to prevent bats from getting in.

Red Squirrel

This red squirrel has been terrorizing a Greensburg home. After relocating the squirrel to a more suitable environment, we sealed the home to prevent other local squirrels from entering.

red squirrel entry

All About Mice

Some home owners like to try “old wives tail” products like moth balls, ammonia rags, hair, bars of soap and sonic deterrents. These simply do no work. Most of the time when people think they work, the critter has just moved to a different area  and the customer doesn’t know it.

Photo Credit: Frenjamin Benklin via Unsplash

Quick lethal trapping is the best option to remove mice. Mice trapping is available. Once the mice are gone Tall Timber can discuss options of excluding the house to prevent further mice and wildlife from entering the home. 

Sealing up the home is a great long term solution to stopping the noises you hear at night.

Spotted Lanternfly

spotted lanternfly

While completing a bat exclusion on a home located in Irwin, PA, Tall Timber Wildlife Services encountered the invasive spotted lanternfly. This is not good news. Should anyone find a spotted lanternfly, please smash each and everyone! These insects are extremely detrimental to our native and necessary plants. 

 If attempting to smash these bugs – be alert as they jump and fly really fast. You will need to be faster!

For more information on the spotted lanternfly and the damage they cause, please visit the PA Argriculture’s website.

PA Department of Agriculture

All Roads Don’t Lead to Rome

mouse trails
mouse trails

All roads might not lead to Rome, they might lead right through your home! Can you see the trails in each of these images? This is solid proof that this home has been invaded by mice.

While some home owners try “old wive’s tales” such as moth balls, ammonia rags, bars of soap, or sonic deterrents, we know that these actions do not work. If poeple think they work, it is because the critter has just moved to a different part of the house and the owner can’t hear/see them any more.

Having Tall Timber Wildlife Service seal up your home is the best solution to stopping those roads from being traveled through your home.

mouse trails

Skunk Love is in the Air


Photo Credit: Bryan Padron via Unsplash
Graphic Design:


With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, that also means that “Skunk Love” is in the air. Did you know that right now starts mating season for skunks in Western Pennsylvania?

Often skunks choose to live under homes, porches, sheds and garages. Every year Tall Timber Wildlife Services gets calls first ting in the morning. These calls come from homes that smell like skunks!

Males skunks will seek out femals to mate. When he finds an unaccepting female, she will spray him to get him to leave. Often enough, this happens under buildings.

To prevent this from happening to your home, we can remove the skunk or exclude the building to prevent this from happengin again.

Contact Tall Timber Wildlife Services for all of your wildlife removal and nuisance needs!

Rodents Party On

signs of rodents

Showing proof that rodents are having a party at this residence, Tall Timber Wildlife came to the rescue. While some homeowners allow the use of poisons, Tall Timber Wildlife has seen poisoned animals dying inside of walls and around vents. This can cause terrible odor issues, attract many types of insects and become a danger to other wildlife, pets, and children. As a wildlife removal expert, Tall Timber Wildlife can remove unwanted rodents safely and effectively.