Now is the time that mama raccoons are searching for a place to give birth to their kits. Often times they choose an attic or chimney for their home. Hearing loud noises, scratching, screaming and chattering is a sign that this has taken place.
In order to avoid trapping methods, Tall Timber Wildlife Service had a near perfect success rate in 2021 of convincing the mother raccoon to remove her kits on her own terms. When an animal is convinced to leave on their own, it is a win for both home owner and creature.
If left to live in your home, raccoons can bring various diseases such as, parasites and bugs. Raccoons with also destroy insulation, wiring, drywall, etc…
Shown here are young kits that were given birth in a chimney.
Kits are adorable but you do not want them living with you in your home!